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Dealing With PTSD? Hypnosis Can Help

Hypnosis is gaining popularity in the world of mental health. It’s been used to combat everything from anxiety to addiction with great success. 

That’s a good thing for those struggling with their mental well-being, as it’s caused people to shift their ideas as to what hypnosis really is. For far too long, it’s been stereotyped as something comical or unrealistic on television or in movies. 

In reality, hypnosis is often a great way to overcome intrusive thoughts or change negative habits. 

It can even help you deal with the effects of PTSD. Let’s take a closer look at how hypnosis can benefit you if you’re dealing with the lasting effects of trauma. 

You Can Relax

Contrary to popular belief, you’re not actually asleep when you’re under hypnosis. Rather, your mind and body are in a state of deep relaxation. 

That relaxed state will stay with you for quite a while even after your sessions. You’ll develop a calmer demeanor, and are less likely to feel anxious or get worked up quickly. 

If you’re someone who regularly feels tense due to PTSD, or if you have specific triggers that make you nervous, this state of relaxation can make those things easier to handle so they don’t feel so overwhelming. 

You’re In Control

One of the worst parts about PTSD is that it can make you feel like you’ve lost all control. 

Memories and flashbacks can “show up” at any moment and send you into a spiral. Alternatively, you might have repressed memories of a specific traumatic event or situation that you’ve been trying to push down for years. 

woman rubbing back of neck

Hypnosis gives you the power to access those memories and flashbacks in a controlled setting. 

Once you access them, your hypnotherapist will work with you to dissociate the trauma from those memories. They will still exist, but you’ll be able to restructure them in positive ways, so they don’t cause such fear and anxiety when they come up. 

Overcoming Triggers

It’s not uncommon for people with PTSD to have triggers that can cause them to give in to fear or anxiety. A combat veteran, for example, might have a hard time with loud noises or crowds. 

Hypnosis can help you with triggers in two ways. 

First, it can uncover triggers that you might not have noticed before. Bringing them to light will make them easier to pay attention to and overcome. 

It can also make your noticeable triggers less threatening and invasive. Again, by working to dissociate the fear and trauma from them and replacing them with positive thoughts, you’re in control no matter your circumstances or surroundings. 

You’ll Feel More Like Yourself

Depending on the type of trauma you’ve been through, it’s easy for someone with PTSD to have low self-esteem and a lack of confidence. You might even feel guilt or shame in regard to the traumatic event. 

Hypnosis can help you rediscover who you really are and improve your sense of self-worth. You can let go of any shame or guilt associated with your trauma and start to understand your value. 

Is Hypnosis Right for You?

If you’ve gone through a traumatic event and you’re struggling with PTSD, it doesn’t have to control your life forever. 

There are many types of therapies that can help with PTSD. However, hypnosis is a solution that can truly change the way you see and feel about your trauma, reframing your thoughts in a more positive way so you don’t have to deal with debilitating symptoms. 

If you’re interested in learning more about hypnosis for PTSD, feel free to contact me for information or to set up an appointment for anxiety hypnosis or trauma hypnosis.