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How Can I Help Someone Who Is Suffering From Depression?

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the world. However, it can impact people differently. 

Some people are able to function normally throughout their lives though they’re struggling with depression. Others might find it hard to get out of bed in the morning, and might suffer from severe symptoms. 

Whatever the case, seeing someone you love dealing with depression isn’t easy. 

Thankfully, there are things you can do to help them manage their depression and find peace, contentment, and even joy in their lives. 

Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to help someone who is suffering from depression. 

Talk to Them

Sometimes, letting someone talk to you about what they’re feeling and experiencing can make a big difference. Depression can often be a silent issue because the person struggling with it doesn’t want to be a burden, or they might think their feelings aren’t valid. 

If you notice that someone you care about is struggling, start a conversation with them. Validate their feelings. Let them vent. Encourage them. 

It’s essential for people with depression to have a support system. You can be a big part of that. 

You can even consider taking things one step further by extending loose invitations to them. It’s not uncommon for people with depression to withdraw from people they love and things they enjoy. By inviting them to spend time together, you can help them out of those “ruts.” However, don’t make them feel guilty if they don’t want to come. 

Educate Yourself

If someone you love is depressed, do your part to better understand what they’re going through by educating yourself on depression. That includes being able to recognize some of the common symptoms, like: 

  • Changes in sleep habits

  • Changes in eating habits

  • Fatigue

  • Loss of concentration

  • Low self-esteem

If you know someone is struggling with depression, educate yourself on how they might be feeling and why so many people experience this condition. You might not know the root cause of their struggle, but by developing a basic understanding of depression as a whole, you can do your part to empathize with them and help them through it. 

Encourage Support and Treatment

Depression can often be easily managed with the right tools and resources. 

For some people, that means medication. For others, therapy is the best option. You might not know what’s best for the person in your life, which is why it’s important to be an encouraging force when it comes to them getting help. 

Depression rarely goes away on its own. A therapist can help that person you love get to the underlying cause of their deep feelings of sadness. That’s necessary for the healing process, and although it isn’t easy, it’s a key component in overcoming depression. 

Support that person in continuing therapy, and do what you can to make sure they keep their appointments. 

Take Care of Yourself

If you’re around someone with depression more often than not, it can start to take a toll on your own mental and physical health. 

Make sure you’re prioritizing self-care. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and you can’t actively care for someone when you’re drained and depleted. Do something every day that helps to reduce your stress levels and makes you feel good. The better you feel, the easier it will be to care for others. 

Chances are, you know someone who is suffering from depression. Use the suggestions here to help and support them as much as possible. If they’re looking for a professional place to turn, feel free to contact me and set up an appointment as soon as possible for depression or anxiety therapy.