Pain Management
Pain Control/Management/Elimination
Pain is really a message that must be dealt with. It may be directly related to an injury or accident, etc.; it may be the result of an autoimmune issue; it may be related in some way to the healing process (such as inflammation due to the body’s response). Pain may be a signal that has become stuck in the on position. It may be “all in your head” and yet excruciating. Pain is sometimes useful in protecting the body from further damage; however, there is never any use for suffering. There is a difference between pain and suffering and understanding this is the first step in feeling better.
Clients suffering with pain may be struggling with emotional issues; perhaps feelings of guilt, sadness, low energy, and even a why-me attitude—sensible or not. Hypnotherapy is well-recognized for its efficacy in pain management; it is a powerful means to address emotional issues in addition to any physical symptoms. Hypnotic pain management is often sought when clients find medications to be ineffective, when they’ve developed a tolerance, or because they have a personal philosophy that does not include pharmacology. The medical community recognizes “Pain Management” as a medical specialty that involves medication. Drugs, such as opiates, are typically the first option but clients may have trouble with the resulting side effects.
Sometimes the medical community will give up on pain patients because they conclude the problem is “all in the mind.” The good news with that is that the mind is the specialty of hypnosis—the mind is literally what we do. Through this specialized hypnotic process clients are able to tap into the powerful mindset that results in the adjustment of pain: reduction, management, control, relief, elimination . . . the exact and correct experience for you. Hypnosis is effective for acute pain relief as well as chronic.
Hypnosis is a complementary modality and is an effective supplement to traditional medical care as well as to other healing modalities such as chiropractic or acupuncture. Hypnosis may be used as a standalone method depending on individual preferences and circumstances. There are myriad hypnosis techniques for pain management including endorphin release, hemispheric synchrony, acceleration of homeostasis, release of subconscious blocks, hypno-analgesia/anesthesia applications, deep healing and (re)balance, and much more.
Number of sessions needed depends on individual circumstances. The average number for clients is roughly 3 - 4 sessions though we can give you a better idea once we know your unique situation.