Enhancement of Psychic Abilities We all have that “inner knowing.” Sometimes we know exactly who is calling us on the phone before the phone even rings. Sometimes a perfectly harmless-looking someone chills us to the bone. Sometimes we experience prophetic dreams or just “know something” about others. Each one of us is born with intuition—but often we are trained to ignore it. For this reason we may find ourselves besieged with fear and unable to know the difference. Fear masks itself as intuition. It is loud and it is demanding. Hypnosis is the key to keen development of intuition, to learning to easily differentiate between fear and intuition, and how to benefit from the gifts your intuition has to share with you. People choose hypnosis for the purpose of psychic enhancement for many reasons including: sharpening intuition; overcoming fear; achieving the next level or enhancing one’s skill in modalities such as healing, energy work, hypnotherapy, psychic readings, etc.; clearing obstacles within the psyche; creating a powerful mind/body/spirit balance; becoming powerful healers and/or teachers; cultivating faith and trust; to connect with Spirit; and much more.